tisdag 22 september 2009
torsdag 17 september 2009
Målningen har påbörjat!
Vi har nu börjat med att måla innerväggarna i lokalen och vi har valt att måla dem vita för maximal ljusreflektion.

tisdag 15 september 2009
The chosen one
Decided after a blind vote, the following logo was chosen for KC to be, everything else is history.
(actually it wasn't that easy), it was in fact a very hard and frustrating choice with many opinions and comments being thrown about in regards to the different styles and ideas sent in by many talented people. In the end though it seemed clear to us that this logo suited KC best.
Congrats Pierre!
A big hug to everyone who shared their skills and ideas, I can't believe we had so many fantastic entries!! Although i'd love to give all logo entrants a gold card, it's just not possible, however, send me your KC account numbers, alt. full name + birthdays and i'll add a small gift to each of your accounts :)
(actually it wasn't that easy), it was in fact a very hard and frustrating choice with many opinions and comments being thrown about in regards to the different styles and ideas sent in by many talented people. In the end though it seemed clear to us that this logo suited KC best.
Congrats Pierre!
A big hug to everyone who shared their skills and ideas, I can't believe we had so many fantastic entries!! Although i'd love to give all logo entrants a gold card, it's just not possible, however, send me your KC account numbers, alt. full name + birthdays and i'll add a small gift to each of your accounts :)

måndag 14 september 2009
Det symboliska startskottet!

Idag så kom den nya saxliften till K2. Hela våren har varit fylld av arbete och förberedelser men först nu så börjar det handgripliga. Crell blev överförtjust efter att ha provåkt liften och vi firade händelsen med att dricka lite bubbel!
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